
Posts Tagged ‘Song’


ఏమైంది నాకీ రోజు
మనస్సుపదే పదే వేగిర పడుతోంది
అదేం ఖర్మో…
ఇంకా తెలవారదేం!
రెండు వందల మైళ్ళ దూరం
అలవాటు లేని ప్రయాణం…
అలసిన శరీరం నిదురమత్తులోకి జారదేం?
నిన్ను చూడాలనే ఆరాటంతో
కునుకు రావడం లేదనుకుంటా!
నిదుర మత్తులో ఈ నగరం
పసిపాప మోములా ప్రశాంతంగా ఉంది
అక్కడక్కడ వినిపించే చిమ్మెటల సవ్వడి
అప్పుడప్పుడు వినిపించే గుడ్లగూబ అరుపులు
ఇవి తప్ప అంతా ప్రశాంతమే
మరో అలికిడైనా లేని వేళ
నా రాక నీకు తెలిసేదెలా?
ఆకసాన చందమామనై,
చందాంశు కిరణాలను
నా చూపుగా మలచి,
సగం తెరచిన కిటికీ గుండా నిన్ను చూడాలని…
నీకూ నాకూ మధ్య దూరాన్ని
పిల్ల తెమ్మరనై చెరిపెయ్యాలని…
ఎగసి పడే నీ కురులని
అలవోకగా సరి చేయాలని…
వేకువలో వేగు చుక్కనై
నీ వాకిటి ముందు వాలాలని…
నీలి మబ్బుల గొడుగు కింద
నిదుర మత్తుని పులుముకుని
ఒళ్ళు విరుచుకుంటూ మంచం దిగే నిన్ను
చూడాలని ఒకటే ఆరాటం…
తొలి సంధ్య వేళ
వాకిట కళ్ళాపు చల్లి,
అణువణువూ మమేకమైపోతూ,
నాజూకు వేల్ల మధ్య నుండి
తెల్లని ముగ్గు ధారల్ని పోస్తూ,
తుంటరి గాలి చేసే అల్లరికి
అలలా కదిలే ముంగురులని
పైకి ఎగదోసినప్పుడు…
నీ నుదుటిపై అంటుకున్న ముగ్గుని
నా అర చేత తుడవాలని…
అభ్యంగన స్నానం చేసి
ఆరుబయట తలారబెట్టుకుంటూ
అద్దం ముందు మెరుగులు దిద్దుకునే
నీ పక్కన చేరి…
అల్లరి చేయాలని
మనసంతా ఒకటే ఆరాటం.
వేకువ ఝాము కళ్ళాపులెక్కడ
ముని వాకిట ముత్యాల ముగ్గులెక్కడ
ఏసీలు వచ్చాక తెరచిన కిటికీలెక్కడ
నాగరికత పెరిగాక
నా ఆశ నిరాశేగా!

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Now, at this time quickly coming!
By the crossing of several folded troubles!
Bringing ten seas grief along with me:
Coming by the sustain of wretched peoples weight!
Bringing with me the labor pain records of pained
Suppressed news by the Newspapers and Governments
Digging out and bringing
The entire world is green; all to lend an ear to
listen my History!

My shadow not traced in the eye of cruel night…
The whirlpools turning twists around the feet.
Wherever not emanted the hope in the eyesight…
The afflicted earhths hand obstructing the way…
The red flowers plucking out which were welcomes me…
The sky is fearfully thundering by the surrounded
Just so, crossed the seven seas by the eight
unpleasant circumstances

Prepared for the walk
Thick crowded mistakes step by step making earth bore
under the feet.
Prepared the journey in a boat
A moan of concealed Ammunition Godowns in the sea
Prepared to go in sky
Flying Bombers crepted over in the sky.
The weather moving like a turtle with
Weeps, dreadful yells, pain tortures and panic crying.
Although… I did a travel
Making a support of vitality to examine the earth’s
Which turned like undried wound and amazement image.
Different flags in the center of battlefield,
And rubbing out broken principles.
From the eternal,
These vehement powers stepped into final stage,
Answers possible … But,
The Government of golden canopy destroyed the human’s
heart and soul.
War flag raised up to make a stable of throne
And made the ashes of conscious people.

My name is war, my altered name is death, and
destruction is my aim,
Hey, did you come again
To press out the blood from my children, they are
skeletons only,
Did you came to ruin our huts and to destroy our
fasting lives,
Half appetite, wretched poverty these are acquires of
our father,
Did you knocked our doors by envy for these lives!
Not yet replaced the fallen houses,
Not yet fixed the broken leg of son,
Not yet recovered the village which was became as
cemetery by the Bombs.
Wasted fields in famine,
Not yet checked out the dried fields made by the war.
Just, you came by the echo bells.

“The wounds not yet dried in the hearts of each
Which was made by the demon of 2nd world war”,
The Bomber Planes expansion is echoing in the ears
The multitude smoke-clouds not escaped,
Which was scattered upward by the annihilation.
Did you come!
With the Atom Bombs rolling like balls in two hands
“Why did excommunicate the wars, which are bringing
the purses of profit?
Why did agree the peace, which bringing our ruin?”

Will you bringing again war:
Are you saying to build the house in the destruction?
Are you encircling to capture by the cunning strategy?
Why are you looking!
Already broken the bank of Calamities Sea!
Why the horrid ruin surrounding like wilder flood ?
Why the lakes vomiting the poison scum,
Which were spilled the Nectar:
Why the death dancing bitterly on the face of
How many days you live the walking on knees?
why are you dieing in the hungry, disgrace and
Why are you thinking :
Did you saw the Planes that are carrying the Atom
Here are the blood hands of murderers, who vomit the
Here are the pigs, which sold out the soul for handful
of money,
Here are the traitors, who sold out the country for
potful of money,
Why the late:
Who are the cutters of your brothers throat in KOREIA?
Who dugout the tomb lines of your children in MALAYA?
Who are the heroes to sacrifice with their lives?
On the roads of FARMOZA and VIETNAM.

My name is peace, my enemy is death,
My place and aim is endless peace
My life’s great journey is killing of war tigers !
My responsibility is protect the world where spilled
the green lives,
I am the flag of peace, and
The reflection of million millions pained people
Come on, all the people get into the courtyard of
peace temple
And all sing the song “SONG OF PEACE” making the
world echo,
The war spirited people will hide at once in a

Peace for you, peace for me, peace, peace,
Peace for falling stars and falling warriors,
Peace, peace, peace, the world’s song is peace;
Peace, peace, peace, the throat of world is peace!
Peace, peace, peace, the way of lives is peace!!
Peace, peace, peace, our aim is peace!!!

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